So this weekend I added another UFO to the list only because I didn't think about the final size of what I intended for the upcoming It's a Sister Thing Swap. My swap partner likes bright colors modern designs and is currently working on the Tula Pink Blocks. I pulled form this and thought about one of my sister's patterns and decided to go with the designer star pattern. I had some great fabrics picked out and finally decided how I wanted to incorporate them into the design buy My trouble started with the main Tula Parisville I wanted to use --- I just love it and couldn't bring myself to cut it down. I think all of us have had this feeling at one time -- usually this results in coveted fabric that sits on the shelf waiting for a perfect project, so to end my problem I altered Lee's pattern a bit and am calling it the Designer Showcase Star.

However the finished pattern ended up being more of a throw size and I'm smitten with it so I may be adding a boarder and keeping it for myself. It looks like I'm back to the drawing board for my partner's item (perhaps this pattern again on a smaller scale with different fabrics). At least I have this helper to keep me straight -- Mr. Nugget is making sure I know where I left the pattern.
Oh and he also likes to assist with the color design process.
A big success for this weekend was that my table is finally clear of scraps and they are all trimmed own and ready for quick quilts.Cut blocks in 2 storage containers, large pieces in the other, a bag of strings, a bag of crumbs and a bag of 2.5 strips
A container of 5 inch squares, row of 4 inchers and half a container of 2.5 squares (one stack is 3 inch squares). I'm out of containers at this time but I will be putting those 2.5 inch strips in a container when I go to the store.
Not much other sewing but I was working on catching up again on the block of the week blocks -- I'm nearly 40 blocks in and ready to start putting them together but I need your help. I'm having difficulty with deciding on what to do about block settings and sashing for this quilt and need some input (The blocks are all neutrals and in the end there will be 73 of them).
These are the most recent 4 and here is a group shot minus the last 6 blocks completed.
Now that I'm caught up with those it's time to finish up the block of the month block I worked on while watching quilt cam last night (I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of my won fabrics from Bonnie Hunter), so that's at the top of my pile for this week and should go quickly.
Other things I would like to knock out this week are -- room rearrangement quilting the city scape and redoing my sister swap item. It' gonna be a hectic weekend for sure because I'll be spending part of it with my Dad who is turning 72 on Thursday and I'd love to stop by Sewingly Yours for the anniversary sale this weekend and celebration on Saturday.
Happy quilting everyone and I appreciate any input you offer on that sashing issue, as well as the other love you provide.