Monday, April 25, 2016

medical bills and dwendling work leave be damned

  1. medical bills 
  2. not that much saved leave from work 
  3. the distance 
  4. driving alone 
  5. short deadline
  6. missing time from my hubby .... 
There are more reasons that I shouldn't have done it but I did it any way and I'm better for it. 

OK, what the hell is she talking about -- right. 

I'm talking about Stash Bash. 
I originally wasn't going because of the distance and being in the car for such a long time, then I broke my ankle and didn't know if I'd be better in time and if I was, I wasn't sure the medical bills I would have. I passed up several opportunities to get resale tickets and as the time got closer I was really down about missing out on seeing everyone. Hubs knew I was upset and even offered to have our own home bash that weekend. 
It was 2 weeks from the retreat and he looks at me and says -- you know you can go, just use your destash money. 

Now it was time to juggle and see if I could make it all happen -- verify time off with the boss, pay for a ticket, transportation (or a plan), I'd want to make a  few things for some of my buddies, get things together for swapping and making. 

My UFO bins were ready to go.
In preparation,  found a bunch of new projects that I am taking with me along with the ongoing ones and it looks like it might be enough to keep me going for 3 days. 
An extra fun addition to this is that most of my friends do not know that I am coming -- so it will be really fun to surprise them when I or they get there.  (I'm sure I'll get called a dirty liar at least once). 

I even managed to make a few fun gifts and an angel item for the secret sister swap. 
I have a few more gift items planned to whip together once I get to the retreat. 

And there was no way I could show up unannounced without rice crispy treats -- I think 4 batches is enough to get me in the door. 

But I did it and here I am all packed up an ready to head out.

The truth of things is, I need this trip and this time to myself  -- I've been having more and more migraines lately and feeling very blah about life so here's to a weekend with the girls filled with laughing, sewing, treats and being generally awesome -- I figure in the long term this is going to be better for me and you know those medical bills will still be here when I get home, that's what payment plans are for right. 

This is finish #4 , 5, 6 & 7 for the 2nd quarter


  1. Aw, yay for you! The cold weather is gone and it was warm and clear... It was a good time of year to get away!

    I was getting a little sentimental looking at all you bags you're making. Seems like just the other day you were saying you weren't sure about them. You've grown so much in your confidence and ability. I bet you're tired today, but refreshed. Some stuff in life is expensive, like medical junk. Everybody has it and can't help it. Everything happens in its time! Good for you, fweetie!

  2. So glad you got to go! I know you had been quite sad about not making it this time... what pattern did you use for your tote bag? (the one with the project containers in it)

  3. A boost to mental health can certainly help all those other things take their proper perspective. Hope you have/had a grand time.

  4. It sounds like it was the right decision for you and I know you had a blast.
