After the rush of swaps that I did earlier this year I had decided to take a break from swapping for a while and focus on my projects -- well apparently I work much better on all things and get way more accomplished when I have deadlines to keep me going. My goals for the last 6 months have remained the same and my progress on my projects hasn't been very noticeable -- so I decided it was time to dip a toe back into swapping and joined up with just over a thousand other quilters for round 4 of the Schnitzel and Boo Mini Quilt Swap (WOW!!)
I provide lots of information on my sign ups and always seem to get the person that says "make what ever, I'll love it" -- this time was no different but once I did a bit of stalking I knew exactly what I wanted to make and that she'd love it. Our interests were similar, fabric wise and color wise. We even included several of the same patterns in our mosaics so I knew one of these had to be the project that I made for her.
Color pallet would be brights -- focusing on pink, yellow, teals and greens with splashes of white
We both love the flowering snowball pattern and I found some templates online to make smaller blocks rather than making 12 inch accuquilt blocks (which I could have done).

So now it was time to start putting things together and see where this mini wanted to lead me.
I'm happy with the outcome and sure hopes that my partner loves it as it makes it's long journey to it's new home all the way in Spain.
Here's another photo in better lighting to see how lovely it really is, I was so hesitant with those wrinkles but they quilted right out.