I don't know what happened to last week but It's definitely the holiday season and I think maybe time flows differently around this time of year -- So here's a quick update on what I've been up too.
I got the grandma's clothes quilts all basted and even started the quilting -- until I sewed into my finger --- OOPS.
My holiday item for the guild is an assembled top -- not sure how I'm going to get this one finished by tomorrow night (note the finger). I may have to regroup and do something else for the swap.
Something very exciting happened last weekend, I got the bible studies quilt put into a quilt top. The blocks aren't great and most of my points are gone from all the trimming that had to be done to get he blocks the right size, however I still like it very much and think that the quilting will go quickly on it (you know once i get it basted).
I have 3 swaps that are due in January, one will probably need to be finished by Christmas because it's going international. I've pulled my fabrics and even planned what I'm going to do for The Disney swap mini. I've modified the pull a little since this picture but I can't wait to use my accuquilt and cut a big pile of hexis.
I'm also participating in the profanity swap and have some ideas coming together -- I'm thinking about going British on this one but we'll have to see. (inspiration photo)

My 3rd swap is round 3 of the Schnitzel and Boo swap -- on this one I am still trying to form a plan since my partner didn't give me a lot to go on.

I can't wait for my vacation coming up starting on Thursday and going till December 7th . I'm also going to take part in Bonnie Hunter's Mystery Quilt that launches on Friday. Lots to do and hopefully this finger heals fast.
I hope everyone has a wonderful thanksgiving if I forget to post again this week.