Post on or by Friday, June 28
Green @ http://www.sosewgreen.
Gwendellyn @ http://therainbowrevolts.
Jessica @
Amira @ http://littlemushroomcap.
Kathy @
Michelle @
Paula @
Kris @ http://www.sewsunshine.
Camilla @
There has been some quilting going on at my house this week. For thoes of you that frequent Bonnie Hunter's Blog and watch Quilt Cam -- I was one of the emails that she read this week and here is what I was working on.
I've got to run another trim of green around the edge and then I'm thinking of adding another boarder in perhapse a purple. I'm thinking Sumertime Limeaid as the name. I also got caught up on my Block of the ... projects and love how they turned out. The block of the week old testiment blocks are complete, I'm planning on laying them all out this weekend for a group shot and to determine if any need to be redone -- I know at least one.
Bonus Block of the month is completed -- the next ones come out next Tuesday
I had a lucky find the other week at Miss Emmily's Antiques in Yadkinville and picked up some antique spools that I will be using for winding my binging around as I iron it. it's suce a great little store and you never know what you might find. Right now she has an assortment of antique quilts and an old Singer machine as well as some notions. If you stop in let her know I sent you.
This is the binding waiting for this little quilt -- I'm calling it Australian Christmas since I mixed in Christmas and winter fabrics with brighter ones. 

This photo was taken before I did the quilting . I practiced straight line quilting and feel I am starting to get he hang of my walking foot. I'll post and update soon -- I'm hoping that the rain holds out so I can get ouside for some pictures this weekend.
Happy weekend and happy quilting everyone.