Maybe some of you have noticed my absence as of late. Well that's because there hasn't been a lot of sewing going on.
Earlier this month my hubs and I and a few friends went up to the mountains to hit some curvy roads and have dinner in Asheville. We made a stop in Little Switzerland and while we were there my left ankle gave way and I ended up on the ground and in a lot of pain. Hubs was taking pictures and managed to capture it.

I waited it out a few days thinking it was simply a sprain before heading to the doctor. I was promptly sent to the hospital for x-rays and referred to a specialist. Thursday I got the news that I had broken my Talus bone (that's the top bone in your ankle) and upon further review of the x-rays he discovered that my Navicular bone was also broken (and might have been so for some time). The last "sprain" i had was exactly 2 years ago, so it could have been from then but who knows for sure.
So for the next month I get to be in a fun foot boot and use crutches to get around. --- not a happy gal about any of this, my sewing room is upstairs in my house but my husband brought me a work station and most of my needed supplies for things I must complete and set them up in the living room. Sewing will be minimal for a while but maybe I can sneak some in during small breaks in medication fog.
Right now I'll be focusing on bee blocks (one bee finished this month and the other has one more month), keeping up with my block of the month (that I just started last month) and getting my big reveal finished by the deadline. I may also try for some of the Tula Blocks but no big Christmas sewing for this gal.