APQ put out the number for this month and I was relieved -- it's #12 and my lists don't have anything in these slots so for me this was a month to catch up on other projects and focus on deadlines, and with the stash bash coming up next month there are deadlines looming for sure.
The month started off with an awesome trip to Georgia to see some of my gal pals and take a few classes. The first day, I took a Tunic class with Chrissy and my gal Ella came too.
and I made this awesome space kitty Tunic (-3 yards)
The next day I met up with Kristi for her Betsy Travel Bag and ended up being the only student so it was a great girls day making a challenging bag but I nearly completed it. I finished it after I got home and a few days being sick. (-5 yards)
Once I had my energy back I started on my bee blocks this month and these were pretty fun. (-1 yard)
Stash Bee random HST for Em.
Triple Bee Shoo Fly blocks for Nicole
Bee Hive Ripple Blocks for Jess.
I also had Jill's traveling quilt -- it's rainbow theme and she loves stars so how could I not add to this fun boarder.
I might be crazy but I've joined another traveling quilt for this year and this one I started out with a paper pieced star. (-2 yards)
Our guild did a coffee and tea exchange so I made this fun Mug Rug for Liz . (-1 yard)
Since the scrap color was red that meant I had limited scraps this month -- First was my scrap bin.
Then some color strips -- see not much read in my scrap stash
I had to get Mallory's elephant put together and off to the quilter so that it will be ready for her by stash Bash.
With that awesome event (Stash Bash) happening in late April, I really had to get a move on with my secret sister sewing. I had to do some digging but came up with a few things to surprise her with for her first stash bash but I'm still finishing things up on that end so you will all have to wait till after the bash for an update.
I'm also doing an hour basket swap online and made this lovely basket to send off to my partner in a few days. (-2 yards)

Knocked out a few more things for my Quarterly goals and brought the March total of used fabric to 14 yards, 6 yards purchased and quarterly total of used yards to 34 (not quite the 50 I was looking for but there are several things in the works that would easily push that number up.)
Well done on finishing your travel bag. It certainly looks like a lot of work was involved but how nice to have one on one tuition for it! On behalf of the 2017 global FAL hosts, thank you for participating in this quarter's FAL.