Friday, October 13, 2023

WELL it's been almost 6 years -- lets give this another go

Time passes quickly and before you know it, it's been way longer than you antisipated being away from doing something that you enjoy. I had no intention when I posted Januaray of 2018 that I would be taking over 5 and a half years to get back to blogging but this is where I find myself -- lots of things have happened in that time and it was no concious effort to not blog as I love the written story part of blogging that I do not get from the other social media platforms. Some would say that no one blogs anymore -- maybe it's true and for me that's ok because it's also for me -- so I am going to put forth effort to revitalize this blog especialy going into 2024 with resolutions and tracking of progress because that is another thing that I do not do well on instagram. I'm a list maker and like to see things get checked off, with check ins with net friends and read about the story relating to the project more than just a photo and quick blurb, I'll still be using instagram for pictures, stories and shares but I want to get back to this comfort. 

So a quick fast forward update of what nearly 6 years has looked like ...
  • 3 major surguries (gallblader 2018, brain decompression 2018 and hystorectomy 2022) -- each with varying levels of complication at recovery. 
  • moved from a townhouse in the city to a house outside the city (Feb 2019) -- rented the townhouse to a friend which turned out to be a nightmare *do not recommend* -- sold the townhouse (March 2020) 
  • bought my longarm Bridgett (September 2019) officialy started my longarm business (Feb 2020) doing hand driven pantographs.
  • made about a thousand masks during the lockdown / work from home mess of Covid
  • completed 100+ quilts on the longarm (85 for customers) before going digital (Sept 2023)
  • loss of a few family members and 4 pets -- added in 2 new cats to the household (below is Graves and she is just over a year old and she is insane) 
  • tested several quilt patterns -- finding that I really enjoy the proofreading, testing and feedback part of being a pattern tester.
  • celebrating husbands and my turning 40 and 15 years of mariage. 

Let's hope I can keep this blogging thing up -- I already know what I want to talk about next and it's embarasing ....

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